GPS coordinates
44.680158039691676, 7.989667654037476
How to reach us
From highway A21 Turin-Piacenza
Coming from highway A-21 TURIN-PIACENZA exit at Asti Est and take the direction of ALBA.
Arriving close to ALBA, take the ring road in direction BAROLO, exit RODDI.
At the exit RODDI, after leaving the ring road, turn left, pass under the bridge of the ring road and after 50 mt turn left where you will find the indication CO.ME.T.
From highway A6 Torino-Savona
Coming from motorway A6 Torino-Savona, exit at MARENE, take the direction ALBA, turn for POLLENZO, VERDUNO and keep the way for RODDI.
After the industrial area of RODDI, pass under the bridge of the ring road and after 50 mt turn left where you will find the indication CO.ME.T.
From Turin
Take SS20 towards CARMAGNOLA, keep the way SS661 BRA and turn for POLLENZO, VERDUNO, then keep the way for RODDI.
After the industrial area of RODDI, pass under the bridge of the ring road and after 50 mt turn left where you will find the indication CO.ME.T.